Hey, people, I am super swamped this week so just a very short update :)
We will be having movie night this week!
All CG members, please do not forget to put the movie invitations to good use and invite someone ok?
No, your pet tortoise or your teddy bear does not count as a guest :P
We will be watching Flywheel. It's by the same producers and director who brought us Facing the Giants. I won't elaborate much, I'll just post links so please click, click, click ya!
Official Website: http://www.flywheelthemovie.com/
Official Trailer:
I couldn't find a review on my favourite Christian movie reviews website, Pluggedinonline.com but here are some reviews I found on Google. Do check 'em out yeah!
Hope to see you all this Friday :) Do keep this week's event in prayer and pray that God will open the eyes and ears of our hearts to receive from Him through the movie. Have a blessed week! Take care :)
P.S.: Continue to keep the Easter rally in prayer. We are currently experiencing some setbacks.